Wednesday 4 July 2012

Guilt free Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

Warning: (As per this cake’s name.. at least Hunny should add some of Japanese characters in this entry.. though Hunny can’t read it..anyway thanks to google. hehe)

こんばんは (konbanwa)
ありがとうございます (arigatou gozaimasu) to Auntie Liniey (aka adam maria amni). Because of her, Hunny able to share it here today.

Rather than its plain & simple look, it keeps the secret of so called heavenlicious.. Light as cotton.. marvelous to the tongue. The cottony feel blend with the fragrant creamy cheese & milk.. you don’t even know when u finished it.  (hope Hunny not over describe.. maybe everyone should give a try to prove).

If we have a cake chart.. Japanese Cotton Cheesecake will be positioned in between of the heavy taste cheesecake & feather-lite sponge cake (Hunny’s Oreo Cheesecake is a good example for heavy cheesecake).

The good thing is..for a cheesecake lover that always facing the guilt to eat the sinful heavy taste cheese cake.. then this cake gonna be a perfect choice.. indulge the light taste of cheese with no guilt. hehehe.
2 sizes available..
Large Plate (round 10") - RM80/cake
Personal plate (round 8”) – RM45/cake
いただきます (itadakimasu)!!

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