Wednesday 25 July 2012

Introduce Hunny Bakes the Cakes logo

Introduce.. official logo of Hunny Bakes the Cakes.
Thanks to Western Design Studio for beautifully made this into reality.
Hunny has a curly hair & a pair of big eyes..
5 candles represent the business started when Hunny is 5 years old.

(When Hunny's mommy writes..)
The original idea about this logo popped out from mommy's head about last month.
A true story..from a true baker..
(hahaha.. stupid intro anyway)
Once upon a time, the mommy which worked full time as a cosmetics chemist attended a full day seminar presented by Schulke & Mayr. It was an interesting seminar indeed; talked about modern preservation in personal care product & hygienic issue in manufacturing plant bla bla. There was a segment (an after buffet lunch segment).. Mommy's eyelids started to close & the mind was busy handling "how to let the eyes wide open". That time, even with a synergetic blend of the excellent topic & excellent presenter, it just cannot fight the typical human body clock function - sleepy after a heavy lunch. Blame the buffet lunch!!hehehe..

To maintain the professional look kind of i-am-so-focus-into-your-speech-which-super-interesting-and-a-true-loss-if-i-missed-it..hehehe.. mommy chose to write something like to jot down the keypoint of speech. hehehe.. in fact, mommy just scribble idly..flower, then a house, then the kids, then the cakes.. To her suprise, it turned out to be quite a good idea to use some of the ugly arts convert into a logo.

Here the original version..the very first edition..
(please ignore the ugly handwriting & drawing)
(Thanks to mommy's superfriend CN Liew uploaded this in her now becomes part of the story)

The end..

Friday 13 July 2012

Durian galore in Hunny's Baked Durian Cheesecake

Durian Lover, now is your turn!!
A true show-off by the King of Fruitland.. the latest recipe from Hunny's kitchen..

To make this cake, Hunny had to sacrifice the other cake baking.. why?? the fridge was so full with durian pungent smell. Luckily with a few slices of sandwich bread, Hunny succeed to neutralize the fridge odor.
But it's a worth cake to taste!!

Base layer - individually baked vanilla sponge sheet.
Heart layer - Fresh durian flesh blend together with cream cheese. It kind of smell fiest.. It so durian and it so cheezy!! Heavenlicious..
Topping - Durian jelly. Durian jelly?? What a weirdo.. Believe Hunny, this durian jelly is so perfect finishing to end the heavy kind of creamy durian & cream cheese.

Warning: The durian smell is so strong, it might be described as air pollution for those durian hater.
Oppss!! Hunny is burping.. with durian smell. Yuck!! hahaha..

Only 1 size available
Medium Plate (Round 9") - RM80/cake

Not into cheese? CLICK HERE to taste cheese-free durian cake..

Monday 9 July 2012

Makcik Sah's original Yam Layer Cake a.k.a Kek Keladi

At last.. A signature cake from Hunny's auntie, far far away from Hunny's Happyland aka Hunny's birthtown. hehehe..
Thank you very much to Mak Cik Sah or Hunny always called her as Ummi for sharing such a beautiful cake.

The sponge lining cakes were individually baked, layered with delicious yam paste and topped with fragrant desiccated coconut. Ohh.. by eating this cake, it reminds the old Happyland kampung.

This is the raw yam. Hunny, be careful with the's itchy!!

This is the braised yam. Inside every cake contains half kilo of braised yam!!
 Two sizes available:

Large Plate (Square 10") - RM50/cake (weight 2kg)
Suit for big family & gathering.

2 x round 7"

2 x square 7"

Just nice for small family..
Personal Plate (Round 7" or square 7") - RM30/cake (weight 1kg).
For personal plate, the order must be 2 cakes altogether. Therefore, please find your friend to share..

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Guilt free Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

Warning: (As per this cake’s name.. at least Hunny should add some of Japanese characters in this entry.. though Hunny can’t read it..anyway thanks to google. hehe)

こんばんは (konbanwa)
ありがとうございます (arigatou gozaimasu) to Auntie Liniey (aka adam maria amni). Because of her, Hunny able to share it here today.

Rather than its plain & simple look, it keeps the secret of so called heavenlicious.. Light as cotton.. marvelous to the tongue. The cottony feel blend with the fragrant creamy cheese & milk.. you don’t even know when u finished it.  (hope Hunny not over describe.. maybe everyone should give a try to prove).

If we have a cake chart.. Japanese Cotton Cheesecake will be positioned in between of the heavy taste cheesecake & feather-lite sponge cake (Hunny’s Oreo Cheesecake is a good example for heavy cheesecake).

The good thing is..for a cheesecake lover that always facing the guilt to eat the sinful heavy taste cheese cake.. then this cake gonna be a perfect choice.. indulge the light taste of cheese with no guilt. hehehe.
2 sizes available..
Large Plate (round 10") - RM80/cake
Personal plate (round 8”) – RM45/cake
いただきます (itadakimasu)!!

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