Monday 25 June 2012

eat healthy yet delicious with mango yoghurt cheesecake

here we come.. tropical fruit in cheese cake with additional healthy yoghurt.
base layer is crunchy digestive biscuit base
 flooded with mango puree and cream cheese, chopped mango flesh & millions of active live culture.

Hunny talks healthy today..
Put aside the sinful & irresistible cream cheese..hehehe.. keep your digestive system healthy with Ms Mango the alkaline fruit & million of active live culture from yoghurt.

Here a full picture of personal plate size
Personal plate: RM50/cake (Round 8" weight 1.0kg)
Large plate: RM95/cake (Round 10" wight 2.0kg)

inside of personal plate contains almost half kilo of mango flesh. 1 part pureed it & another part chopped it.

Happy Mangyocheese!! (funny name though) 

Friday 22 June 2012

Taste French with Mini Eclair..


Another pastry from Hunny's kitchen.. It is an Eclair.. A mini Eclair!!

Soft mini finger shape pastry filled with chocolate flavoured custard cream with cream cheese. It then glazed with melted chocolate..

 What a delicious creme patissiere inside!!

Well served during tea break, party & gathering.
Price is only RM0.50/pc.. but minimum order quantity is 100pcs.

Bon appetit!!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Irresistible Chocolate Mascarpone Cheese

Here we come.. another cheesecake for chocolate lover.

A courverture dark chococolate perfectly blend with fresh-soft & famous Italian Mascarpone cheese. 

Another close-up..
base layer: chocolate cookies.
middle layer: courverture dark chocolate blend with Mascarpone Cheese.
topping: delicious dark chocolate ganache.

It comes in 2 sizes:
Personal plate - RM50/cake (Round 8" weight 1kg)
Large plate - RM95/cake (Round 10" weight 2kg)

Let's try this!! 
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