Friday 10 August 2012

Nutty paradise in Almond Nougatine Cheesecake

Are you going nuts?? Please don't until you try the nutty paradise in..

Base layer - crunchy high fibre digestive biscuit
Heart layer - loads of chopped roasted almond nougatine perfectly mixed with cream cheese, milk, spoonful of authentic bittersweet honey & tangling lemon juice. It kind of heavenlicious blend everybody will loving it. The almond nut is so abundant.. every single bite is almond-bite!! It is absolutely almond paradise!!
Topping - baked sour cream. It just perfect to end the nutty taste.

What is Nougatine Hunny?? Hunny would like to say it is a very simple crunchy confectionery made with sugar or honey & any favourable nuts. As for this recipe, it just blend of caramelized sugar & roasted almond nut. Almond can be replaced with Hazelnut or Macademia nut or can be mixed of any nut you like. Everybody can do it at home..

But again, Hunny offers you convenience..
Buy this cake from Hunny without messy your own kitchen. hehehe.
Personal plate (round 8") - RM55/cake (only almond nut)
Large plate (round 10") - RM100/cake (only almond nut)
Additional cost applicable for any nut request other than almond.

Happy Nutty!!


Thursday 9 August 2012

Hunny's Sports Day

This is a special entry about Hunny's Sports Day which being held on 15.07.12 at SK Puncak Alam 2. Parents were most welcome to sponsor any kind of food & beverage to merry the event.

As for Hunny.. 2 boxes of cuppies to share among friends & parents.

vanilla cupcakes with fondant icing
Hunny's school is TADIKA CERIA RIANG
Various figurins used to match the Sports Day event
(ugly craft by an amateur.. ugly outside.. but delicious inside)

choc moist cupcakes with chocolate mousse & jelly beans
 kids love jelly beans!!

Since it was Hunny's very own Sports Day.. Hunny loves to share some pics here..

Hunny & friends waited for opening marching.. Hunny is in Orchid Team. Go green go!!

Presents to be grabbed by students.

Left.. right.. left!! "Hunny, where's your team members??"
The flag boy walked too fast or the other members too slow to catch up? hmm..

All safely in the row..don't stress teacher!!

Hunny recited the Doa for the opening.

The games were started..
Gorilla Walk. "Hunny, don't drop the ball!"

Creative game.. hanging cloth.

"Kakak, where are you??"

Hunny with her little brother

    Hunny's friends birthday celebration

Congratulations Hunny!!

The end.

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